Ulala is the Clown of just the birth, and a lot of people's help is still necessary for us. There are a lot of things that cannot be solved only by us anyhow. ..how when thrown out in the ocean to swim, how to search for the way when straying off into the wood....and the person who Ulala the most much trusts and respects is Moshe Cohen on now. He is a clown from USA and active all over the world entertainer. So to speak, Father of Ulala...? There was his workshop in Japan in Mar this year. Ulala really felt for the first time " we are true clown" when we did clowning with him at nursing home after his workshop, and we were impressed that the being as clown has profound meaning.
Ulala is going to USA to receive his guidance in Jun, yeah it is our turn!
The Camp Winnarainbow!
そして、Ulalaが今、一番頼りにして尊敬しているのが、Moshe Cohen。アメリカ人のClownで世界中で活躍するentertainerです。いわば、Ulalaのお父さん?のような存在です。(と、私たちが勝手に思っているだけなんですけどねー)今年の3月に彼のワークショップが日本でありました。彼の指導を受け、彼と一緒に行った老人ホームでのClowningでは、UhもLalaも『自分たちはClownなんだ』と初めて実感でき、Clownとして存在することの意味の深さに感動させられたのでしたー。
Camp Winnarainbow!! これについてはまた後日、お知らせしますぅぅ。