Lalaは普段は練馬区にある花屋さんで働いています。色白で物静かで上品で、白雪姫のように美しいLala 、本当にお花が似合うとってもかわいらしい女性なのです。。。が、なんと!いったん赤い鼻をつけると、、、「さよなら~さようなら~♪」と、シコを踏みながらド演歌をこぶしまわして歌ってしまう・・・そんなclownに変身してしまうのです。そこが、また魅力的なんだ! そうそう、今日はLalaのお誕生日でした-。
Happy Birthday to Lala!
Lala always works at flower shop in Nerima. She ..yes, Asako has fair-complexioned and being gentle, elegant..like a snowwhite(fairy tales).Asako is a quite beautiful woman whom the flower suits. However when Asako changes into Lala putting on red nose, she..yes, Lala sings the super Enka "sayonara~sayonara~♪”with style leg stomps like sumo. Lala is really funny clown! but which is a fascinating point.
Happy Birthday to Lala!
Lala always works at flower shop in Nerima. She ..yes, Asako has fair-complexioned and being gentle, elegant..like a snowwhite(fairy tales).Asako is a quite beautiful woman whom the flower suits. However when Asako changes into Lala putting on red nose, she..yes, Lala sings the super Enka "sayonara~sayonara~♪”with style leg stomps like sumo. Lala is really funny clown! but which is a fascinating point.
Today is Lala's Birthday. Happy Birthday to Lala!
Lala 遅くなってしまいましたが、